Wednesday, 10 August 2011

What did i want to be?

What did i want to be when i was young.

Not the normal train driver, airline pilot, racing car driver for me.
None of these occupations were  good enough, i wanted to be .......a bloody joiner, a fine trade, but hardly the stuff of childhood dreams.... did i lack imagination, no.... i don't think i so.

Whilst out playing, i would find various bits of wood lying around the large estate on which we lived, anything would do, bits of 3" x 2", bits of ply etc.
All of which would would be transported to my back garden.

my dad wasn't really up on DIY, one of his few attempts was to replace the door handles to the back kitchen door, he stood there proud of what he had achieved, until someone tried open the kitchen door, had to lift the handles up !

I digress... in my imagination the bits of wood i had found could be anything i wanted them to be, a new cart, a new den, even a fine piece of furniture, (if i took my time)
This was not my mum and dad's point of view, "get rid of that shite out of the back would come the call,

If i had my way it would have looked like Steptoe's yard.

Tools and materials for my work were pretty thin on the ground, i can even remember straightening out second hand nails, hold on a hard surface with the bent bit looking up and hit with hammer, many a sore thumb!
As i have already said Dad didn't do DIY and as a consequence we had a hammer and a couple of screwdrivers a pair of wire cutters, which i seem to remember were very good! and a saw (a large blade from an industrial reciprocating saw) with some tape wrapped around one end to stop the teeth cutting your hand.
Still a bad workman always blames his tools, so i won't go down that road.

I can't say i ever made anything worthwhile, things just never seemed to turn out how i had imagined.

But next time they would.


  1. Sounds like a marvelous dream to me. You were creative, resourceful, and enjoyed (apart from hitting yourself with a hammer) it for the most part. Do you still do DIY? Did the door at home ever get fixed? Great Post!

  2. thanks for the kind comment, yes i still do a bit, got a bit better!(i hope)
    yes the door handles merely needed reversing.

  3. I enjoyed this post, Mark. I envy your ability to make something as I struggle with cookery, arts and crafts and probably anything that involves a screwdriver!
